Magic Packet

Magic Packet is user-friendly tool for iOS to turn on your computer over network and check the status of your computer with Siri Shortcuts support.

  • Сonvenient and beautiful UI/UX
  • Hosts status via HTTP or ping
  • Siri shortcuts support
Download on the App Store

Main features

Works over Internet

Check availability of the host

Siri shortcuts support

SecureON support

  • Works over Internet. The application supports DNS, can work through VPN, and can also send a broadcast packet.
  • Hosts status via HTTP or ping. You can monitor status of your host not only with ping, but also with HTTP/S requests. This allows you to make sure not only that the host is turned off, but also whether a particular resource is available.
  • Siri shortcuts support. You can create your own custom commands by combining them into complex command chains. For example, "when I came home turn on the computer"
  • SecureON support. If your network card supports SecureON, then in the application you can set a password to wake up your host more securely.


Examples of using

For work

Wake up the computer for connecting over TeamViewer/VNC/RDP

For teachers

Turning on computers for students in the classroom or reboot them

For system administrators 

Starting home server or NAS after a power failure

For home

Waking up your PC remotely using Siri or reboot them

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